Drum turner 350 kg Logitrans MDT
Bidon turner 350 kg logitrans mdt

The Logitrans MDT turner is the solution to your requirements when handling drums of different materials and dimensions.
350 kg
This turner has a load capacity of 350 kg, enabling 360º turning with steel and plastic drums from Ø 300 to Ø 600. It is very flexible and can be mounted on manual or electric Logiflex, both with articulated legs if desired.
The drum turner is also efficient due to the specially-designed flexible grips, adjustable to the shape and diameter of the drums. These grips adapt to the size of the drums with no need for tools. The grips are extremely secure, with a top lock and lock plate.
Further information on the Logitrans MDT multi-drum turner
- Very low maintenance costs thanks to its compact and robust structure that guarantee a long service life.
- In the "multiple" model, stop positions for the grips can be programmed to avoid damage to the drum grip.
- The turner is available with electric drive (SELFMDT) and manual drive (ELFMDT). Both also available with articulated legs.