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Machinery ready for use: All our machines are reviewed and inspected by our technicians.
Transport: Manage the transport yourself or let GAM take care of everything and we will bring your machine to you in less than a week. In both cases, the cost of transportation will be borne by the buyer.
Tennant scrubbers are designed for deep cleaning of all types of floors, in a comfortable, fast and cordless way, reducing the time and energy consumption needed to scrub a space.
A leading brand in industrial cleaning products, Tennant scrubbing machines offer excellent performance and reliability, thanks to their high power and the fact that they are prepared to perform any type of cleaning task with superior efficiency.
Ideal for cleaning supermarkets, industrial buildings, residences, warehouses, logistics centers, etc., at GAM we have the widest catalog of Tennant industrial scrubbers, where you will find the most suitable model for your business, which will meet your needs and offer the highest performance guaranteed.
One of the most widely used tools in the cleaning sector, Tennant scrubbers offer excellent results, being synonymous with innovation, power and maneuverability. Prepared to carry out any type of cleaning task in the industry, it is capable of removing both the simplest and the most complicated dirt quickly and easily.
With models for different situations, Tennant industrial scrubbers are the best option for cleaning large surfaces, allowing you to save a great deal of time, with excellent results and greater comfort, as they are very powerful machines that also consume very little energy.
This time saving will translate into greater productivity when performing cleaning and disinfection tasks, as well as an improvement in the perception by the customer and the work environment, since everything will be much cleaner, which will give a sense of quality and well-being.
GAM is a distributor of Tennant scrubbing machines, and on our website we have the largest catalog of equipment from this leading brand in industrial cleaning products, where you will find the most suitable scrubber drier that best suits your needs.
We have Tennant walk-behind scrubbers, in which the operator will be standing guiding the machine. These are the most suitable for not too large surfaces, standing out for being very manageable, easy to store and allow to work comfortably and efficiently.
And also Tennant industrial ride-on scrubber-dryers, ideal for cleaning large surfaces that require deep cleaning, since the operator will be sitting on the scrubber-dryer, directing it by means of a steering wheel, thus reducing the effort to the maximum, offering an increase in productivity.
At GAM we are authorized to sell Tennant scrubber driers in Spain and Europe, and we will offer you a personalized service of the highest quality, with a total guarantee. In case you have doubts and do not know which one to choose, contact us and we will advise you in a personalized way.
One of the leading brands in the industry, take advantage of the benefits we offer to buy Tennant industrial scrubbers and get a machine that will keep your workplace clean and in the best conditions.
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