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Logitrans ELFR/SELFR 1000 kg turner

1000 Kg Logitrans ELFR/Self Tur

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The Logitrans ELFR/SELFR is a non-adjustable container turner with a load capacity of 1000 kg, making it the most efficient solution for companies that do not have to operate with variable width boxes.

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1000 kg

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Product Details
Load capacity (kg)
1000 KG

This tilter has a direct impact on operator productivity by allowing them to tilt crates and boxes without the need to stretch or bend down, ensuring their safety.

For tasks requiring the tilting of loads between 500 kg and 1000 kg, two supports are required. The box supports with clamps can load heights between 380 and 870 mm when tilted (also 180°). This type of brackets are recommended for inclinations above 60°

This range of Logitrans tippers includes a large, touch-screen display that is extremely easy to use thanks to its simple and visual presentation.

Additional information about Logitrans ELFR/SELF container turner

  • Stop, turning angle and tipping programming
  • This is a heavy-duty machine so maintenance costs are low - no relays and no wearing parts.
  • Includes wired/wireless remote control for tipping/raising/lowering as standard/optional equipment
  • The Rotator operates with precise, controlled acceleration and deceleration in the tilting during start and stop.
  • Tilt function is automatically deactivated when turning to neutral position
  • It offers the possibility to keep a record of running time, current consumption, number of operations, overload record and battery status.

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